IT - Ticketing Tool DashBoard
Open Ticket List
Dynamic list displaying all open IT support tickets with real-time updates and statuses.
Closed Tickets List
Comprehensive list of resolved IT support tickets with closure details and resolutions.
Reported By Me
List of IT tickets raised by the user, tracking their status and resolutions.
Value-Added Features
Ticket List
Consolidated view of all IT tickets, including open, closed, and in-progress statuses.
By Severity
Prioritized ticket list categorized by severity levels for efficient issue management.
By Product
Ticket list categorized by product, helping to track issues and resolutions specific to each product.
By Release
Ticket list organized by release version, tracking issues and fixes associated with each software release.
By Status
Ticket list organized by status, showing tickets in various stages like open, in-progress, and closed.
By Type
Ticket list categorized by type, such as bug reports, feature requests, or technical issues, for streamlined management.